Unique in the world
Designed, manufactured and assembled in France
Free Gowind App
Available on Android, Iphone PC/Mac
More than 3000 anemometers
connected in real time
Engraving and logo Various displays
Fungir, this small connected object displays on its screen the speed, orientation and trend of the wind in real time of your Windsurf spots, Kite, Wingfoil, etc.
It is connected simply to your Internet box on your WIFI network (2.4 GHz), and will search our server for the wind data of the anemometer of your spots (or the nearest one). So every two minutes, you have a live weather point of the navigation conditions. No more need to get his cell phone out, to know what's going on there.
And as you don't always navigate the same range, FUNGIR can display as an option up to three anemometers. We also know that the tide is important, so as an option, you can have the schedule of the tides of the day as well as the level of water on-line.
With FUNGIR, you have a connected design object that allows you to not miss any session.
options communales
Tide option can be activated via app (5 Euros) (Displays the information of the tide of a spot and time)
Za du Moustoir / Espace Alpha
38 E Rue de Bretagne
56950 Crac’h